Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University
Should we always listen to league tables? One of the most complicated decisions when exploring higher education is knowing where to study and knowing what's available. The aim of this workshop is to provide prospective students with the tools and knowledge to support them in their decision making. at Bath Spa University

Choosing the right University

University event offered by Bath Spa University

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Short Session  Delivered online or in-person

Should we always listen to league tables? One of the most complicated decisions when exploring higher education is knowing where to study and knowing what's available. The aim of this workshop is to provide prospective students with the tools and knowledge to support them in their decision making.
Available dates
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Suitable for
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 4 (Students aged 14-16)
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)

Full event details

What's the accommodation like? Is it affordable? Are there jobs in the local areas? What are the mental health services like? What additional support is available to me? Will I make friends?

These are just some of the questions applicants have when applying to university and these and many more are areas we address in this workshop. This session is usually delivered in school/college, however, it can also be delivered live online or pre-recorded to suit you.
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Available dates
Please contact us to arrange a date.
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Suitable for
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 4 (Students aged 14-16)
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)
Bath Spa University

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