About UniTasterDays.com

How we help you - and why we do.


About UniTasterDays.com

Published by UniTasterDays Ltd, UniTasterDays.com is a database of university events for schools and colleges. This free online resource helps teachers and career advisers interested in booking events (such as taster days, workshops, masterclasses and open days) for school groups - as well as students and parents looking to book places on events directly.

Established in 2012, UniTasterDays now list thousands of university events which are delivered by higher education institutions UK-wide. UniTasterDays closely support the careers sector and are a Career Development Institute and Careers England member organisation.

Accolades to date include UniTasterDays being a Shell Grand Ideas Winner, a finalist (2018 and 2019) at the Education Resource Awards and a finalist at the 2020 Careers Development Institute Careers Excellence Awards.

The Founder of UniTasterDays is Jon Cheek. Jon has previously worked with three universities and sat as an Executive Committee member for HEERA. Jon still manages day to day operations.

How can UniTasterDays.com help you?

School and college staff can use UniTasterDays event listings to quickly and conveniently search for events for their school groups. Or request an event for something more bespoke.

For those wishing to just stay up to date with what is available, the events by email list ensures university event updates are sent directly to the email inbox of school colleagues, as well as priority access to resources such as the annual Teachers’ Guide to University brochure.

Students can use our listings to find events open for direct student bookings too. Including online events and on-campus opportunities.

Universities and other advertisers can log in and ensure their events are visible to staff and students using our simple administrator system to add events and browse all our advertising opportunities on the advertisers hub.

Prefer to watch?

The video below will outline how UniTasterDays helps schools, students and universities.

If you have any questions, please drop us an email: info@unitasterdays.com