Featuring event updates, webinar releases and university resources
The newsletter is aimed at school and college colleagues. Students, parents and guardians are welcome to join to access university updates, but the content is directed towards school and college practitioners.
We check every event added by universities and showcase exciting opportunities and institutions for your school groups and students. This is sent alongside event announcements from our higher education member institutions.
The newsletter includes the latest blog and webinar releases, featuring expert advice and content from university practitioners.
You’ll be the first to hear about our university guide releases for you, your students and their parents and guardians. We’ll also email you a link to the latest Teachers’ Guide to University brochure when you sign up.
You can unsubscribe at any time and your data will not be sold or passed on to third parties. If you are already registered, you can access your control panel here which includes download links to electronic university guidance brochures.