Join us in a virtual programme that gives you the opportunity to explore careers in the Health sector. Hear from academics and current students from roles including Diagnostic Radiography, Radiotherapy, Operating Department Practitioner, nursing, midwifery and much more. Learn about the different career paths and what to study at university.
The Health Professions Programme introduces students to what options are available if they are interested in making a difference. Students will participate in sessions online delivered by various academics and students. Taking a closer look into what they could study at university and what their future could look like. Students will end with a reflective piece of work that will support research into their potential future career. Students will get an insight of all the different careers from the unknown to the typical routes.
Year Group(s):
12, 13
Gatsby Benchmarks:
2, 4, 5, 7
Learning Objectives (Linked to the Aimhigher Plus Progression Framework Learning Outcomes):
(As 5.1) Feel motivated and confident to succeed at Higher Education
(Aw 5.1) Recognise the skills and qualifications required for chosen HE pathway
(Aw 5.2) Understand the financial support available for students in HE and the means to access this
(Aw 5.3) Identify the potential career options following participation in HE
(Ap 5.1) Achieve the grades required at level 3 to progress to HE
(Ap 5.1) Understand the HE application process
(Ap 5.2) Understand the significance of the choices made
(Ap 5.3) Develop and submit a strong HE application
Places Available:
*All students must meet a minimum of 1 WP criteria
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