Students will explore the career of product and furniture design. This activity will incorporate cross-disciplinary skill sets including form generation techniques, sketch work, structural exploration, and model making.
Product and Furniture Design at Birmingham City University focuses on the design and development of creative, contemporary, sustainable, and innovative products and furniture. Students will participate in a practical exploratory session that reflects the nature of working in a creative studio environment. Students will be tasked with exploring the creative possibilities of structural investigation. Considerations will include material properties and manipulation, structural elements, visual aesthetics, stability, weight, and fastenings. This activity will incorporate cross-disciplinary skill sets including form generation techniques, sketch work, structural exploration, and model making. As part of this session, we will also showcase examples of various projects created by students on our course and discuss the various opportunities that this industry offers.
Year Group:
8, 9, 10
Gatsby Benchmarks:
2, 4, 7
Learning Objectives (Linked to the Aimhigher Progression Framework Learning Outcomes):
As 3.1 - Feel motivated and confident to succeed in school
At 3.1 - Recognise the importance of succeeding at school
At 3.2 - Recognise that GCSE and post 16 qualifications are required to access HE
Aw 4.1 - Recognise how post 16 choices impact on future progression
Aw 4.2 - Understand the necessity of HE for progression to certain careers
Ac 4.2 - Recognition of the opportunities that may arise from attending HE
Aw 5.1 - Recognise the skills and qualifications required for chosen HE pathway
Aw 5.3 - Identify the potential career options following participation in HE
Places Available:
*All learners must meet a minimum of 1 WP criteria.
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