We want students to understand how & why they make decisions!
That's why we've created an event all about decision making and how the mindset can impact this. This will hopefully help them when it comes to decisions such as applying for university or a job!
This workshop will bring attention to how we can make decisions and the process behind it. Through this understanding we hope that students can make more informed and logical decisions within their lives.
It also highlights how our mindsets can be a major factor when approaching a situation and knowing what how it can hinder or enhance outcomes.
Year Group(s):
7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Gatsby Benchmarks:
3, 7, 8
Learning Objectives (Linked to the Aimhigher Plus Progression Framework Learning
(As 3.1) Feel motivated and confident to succeed in school
(At 3.1) Recognise the importance of succeeding at school
(Ac 3.1) Have an awareness of the learning environment in HE and student life
(As 4.1) Feel motivated and confident to progress to post 16 option
(At 4.2) Develop the commitment and study skills to perform well
(As 5.1) Feel motivated and confident to succeed at Higher Education
(Ap 5.2) Understand the significance of the choices made
Places Available:
*All students must meet a minimum of 1 WP criteria
Our cancellation policy applies. Visit this website below for more information: http://aimhigherwm.ac.uk/activities/