Join us for a friendly online taster lecture to support your current studies and find out what it might be like to study pharmacology at university.
Session time: Monday 17 March, 16.00-17.00
right4me is a series of subject specific webinars for Post 16 pre-university students. The sessions support students’ current studies and interests by giving an insight into curriculum areas covered in university modules. In addition, by hearing from 2 universities for 30 minutes each, students will appreciate how the further study of Pharmacology can vary between institutions, contributing to the depth of their HE research and assisting informed decision making.
In this session we will be joined by two universities, inclusing University of East Anglia, who will begin by exploring the fascinating academic content of their Pharmacology degrees.
Each university will then offer an insight into the teaching and learning experience related to their modules and to their Pharmacology degrees more generally.
Suitable for: Aged 16+ pre-university students studying, or with a possible interest in studying, Pharmacology and related disciplines. Student groups, and individual students and teachers are very welcome to join us.
For details and to book your place, visit: