Make Happen

Institution Profile

Welcome to Make Happen

We unlock opportunities for young people across Essex by helping them make informed choices about their education and future.

We’re part of the Office for Students’ Uni Connect programme, which brings together universities, colleges and local partners to deliver outreach programmes to young people in years 9 to 13, with a particular focus on areas where participation in higher education is lower than might be expected, given the GCSE results of the young people who live there.

Working with our partnership schools and colleges across Essex, by 2020 we’d worked with 75,647 students through all kinds of activities including events, workshops and tours.

“The most important event for me was attending an open day at a university… I took my Mum and it really changed her mind about me going to university, what funding would be available, and how a degree could really improve my future.”

Niamh, Make Happen event participant.

In 2021 we’re continuing to deliver a varied programme of activities to the same partner schools and colleges – with all of our work being supported by continuous evaluation of our programme’s effectiveness.

Make Happen Resources

Take a look at our news, events and basic guides– and view our brochure. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more – we also produce newsletters each month for students, teachers, and parents, guardians and carers, so subscribe now to receive one!

Forthcoming events

No Future Events Listed

Events without a specific start date

43 Upcoming events

We’re part of the Office for Students’ Uni Connect programme, which brings together universities, colleges and local partners to deliver outreach programmes to young people in years 9 to 13, with a particular focus on areas where participation in higher education is lower than might be expected, given the GCSE results of the young people who live there.